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Sea Glass, Mermaids Tears


One of the names given to sea glass is "mermaids tears". I find sea glass to be so interesting and fun to find. It can be a little mystery trying to find what the piece of glass came from. It's quite inspiring to think that our trash has become something beautiful and useful.

Living in Maine since I was a child I have been able to find sea glass and other treasures from the ocean most of my life. The ocean, woods, streams and lakes have held a part of my heart as far back as I can remember. Sea glassing gives me time to enjoy the ocean, peacefully walk along and find treasures.

Some of the places that are great for finding sea glass are: old dump sites that use to be along the coast, places where factories use to be and working harbors. Back in the day people would throw their trash in the ocean, large ships would throw broken dishes or glass overboard and glass factories would throw what they called "end of the day" glass into the ocean. Seaham, England has some amazing glass that came from a glass factory.

When you think of sea glass it is easy to appreciate Mother Nature. We humans have thrown our trash into the ocean and natures turns it into something to be cherished. Think of all we can learn from that! Time, sunshine, hardship, bumping up against things that aren't comfortable can help us to grown and become more beautiful and soften up our hard edges. Let's hope so!

If you get a chance to visit Maine, take the time to find a beach and look for sea glass. It's not always the pristine beaches that have it but more likely a working harbor. Have fun and happy sea glassing!

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